Come out and hear the Hannan JSHS Band at their Annual Spring Band Concert May 12th at 4:00 pm on the Hannan Football Field. In case of rain, the band will perform at Ashton Elementary. Hope to see you there!
Please complete the Parent, Family Guardian for Secondary Students Survey for Mason County Schools at (three questions).
Celebrate your school lunch staff this Friday! From the kitchen to the lunchroom, cafeteria staff are essential to making sure our students eat well and learn. We're so grateful for all you do every day. Happy #SchoolLunchHeroDay!
There will be a Local School Improvement Council meeting May 9th at 4:00 pm in the Hannan Junior Senior High School's cafeteria. Come and join us to discuss the great things going on at our school.
Credit Recovery will be offered this summer for English, Math, Social Studies, or Science beginning June 26. To register please contact Dr. Kenny Bond 304-675-4540 extension 49156 or email him at Click the link to see more details
Reminder-Tomorrow April 26, 2023 is a scheduled full day Faculty Senate and PLC Meeting Day. Students do not report.
Congratulations to Hannan's FFA for placing 2nd and 3rd out of 100+ teams at the UK Field Day Livestock Evaluation! Proud day to be a Wildcat!
Congratulations to Hannan's Band! They received a superior rating today at the Regional Band Competition. Great job to all our students and Dr. Carlisle for an amazing performance. #WildcatPride
Good luck to Hannan's band. They will perform tomorrow at the Regional Band Concert. Go Wildcats!
The County wide band concert will be on Tuesday, April 11th at the Point Pleasant High School auditorium starting at 6pm. All the high schools will be represented. Come out and support our band students.
Summer Food Pickup registration is now available. Please sign up on the online form to be registered. If you have questions, please contact Christina Nelson 304-675-4540 ext. 107
Join us for Mason County Band Night April 11, 2023 at PPHS Auditorium at 6:00 PM. This is the first time that all three of our bands will perform together. The bands will be performing the music that they will also be performing Friday at the Regional Band Festival. #MasonProud
There will be an Easter Egg Hunt and bake sale tomorrow, Monday, April 10th at the Hannan junior senior high school walking trail starting at 5pm. Bring a basket and search for a "Golden Egg" to win prizes. See you there!
Mason County Schools will be on Spring Break from April 3-7. Classes resume April 10, 2023.
Reminder-Wednesday March 22, 2023, is a scheduled 2 Hour Early Release for students for PLC Meetings.
Congratulations to our State Science Fair Winners
1st Place-Addison Burt and Keira Tatterson
2nd Place-Lucas Stewart and Jamey Pearson
2nd Place-Gabrielle Jefferson, JW Adkins, and Chaz Tilka
2nd Place-Celena Brown
3rd Place-Savannah Decker and Payton Barnitz
3rd Place-Makenna Hull
3rd Place-Cooper Withrow and Addison Withrow #MasonProud
National Nutrition Month® is an annual campaign created 50 years ago in 1973 by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
During the month of March, everyone is invited to learn about making informed food choices and developing healthful eating and physical activity habits.
This year's theme is "Fuel for the Future." Eating with sustainability in mind is a tasty way to nourish ourselves during every phase of life and protect the environment.
We are excited to add "Fuel for the Future" through local purchasing and education. Be on the lookout for colorful learning boards developed for our students across Mason County in all cafes.
For more information regarding menus and child nutrition please visit
The Local School Improvement Council meeting that was postponed last week will be held on Wednesday, March 1st at 4pm in Hannan's cafeteria. Hope to see you there!
Reminder-Wednesday February 22, 2023, is a scheduled 2 Hour Early Release for students for PLC Meetings.
Due to a glitch in the system, some people did not receive notifications concerning the school cancellations. The error has been fixed by the company. Please download the Mason County App to receive additional messages if needed. Thank you.