9th and 10th graders are invited to GEAR UP U at Marshall University on June 25-28, 2025. Admission is FREE! The students can live like a real college student; stay on campus; sleep in the dorms; eat in the dining hall; explore college classes; receive leadership training and much more! See attached to scan and apply.
The students will be taking a survey next week. The feedback they provide will be used to help make improvements to ensure our school provide a positive and supportive place for students to learn and for teachers to work. Parental Passive Consent Forms were given to the students during PRIDE. If you do not wish your child to participate in this survey, please complete this form and return it to the school. I have attached a copy of this survey.
Congratulations to the MS and HS boys basketball teams for their wins tonight!! So proud of the boys and coaches!!
When everyone in a school/community gets on the same page, great things happen. Wins are starting to be contagious at Hannan. Only getting started. The future is bright!!
Congratulations to our middle school girls for a great win in basketball last night!!!! And congratulations for our varsity girls for a hard fought game. We are very proud of all the kids and coaches.
What a great atmosphere of family and community in our gym last night! The future is bright and something special is getting ready to happen! Stay tuned!!!
Wanted to share some very POSITIVE news!!
Discipline referrals are way less than HALF where they were at the mid way point last year.
We cannot say enough about how proud we are of the students.
The attendance average for all of Mason County School since the beginning of the year is 94.5%. Hannan’s is at 94.4%. The last month of actual classes we are one of the highest attendance in the County at 97.1%.
Thank you parents/guardians/students for making this happen! Keep up the GREAT work!
Good luck to Sarah Cordell, Leah Adkins, and Ashley Bynum. They will be representing Hannan Jr/Sr High next week at the Mason County Socia Studies Fair. We are proud of you!!!
Attention 10th Graders! The 10th grade class will be visiting the Career Center on the morning of January 29, 2025.
All Mason County Schools will be operating on a 2 Hour Delay tomorrow January 15, 2025, due to extreme cold temperatures.
Congratulations to the Girls varsity basketball team tonight! They won their first game of the year 43 to 24 over Van! Especially proud of our great coach, Miss Holley!!
The end of the semester exams are coming up soon! Here is the exam schedule:
Tuesday Jan. 21- Periods 1 & 9
Wednesday Jan. 22-Periods 2 & 8
Thursday Jan. 23-Periods 3 & 7
Friday Jan. 24- Period 4 (and any makeups)
Monday. Jan. 27-Any makeups that could not happen on the 24th
Tuesday Jan. 28-Grade cards will be sent home.
All Mason County Schools will be operating on a 2 Hour Delay Schedule tomorrow January 13, 2025. While buses will be running, many roads in the county are still unsafe for school bus travel. If you live on a road that is still icy and snow covered, your child's bus will not be traveling that road tomorrow. Please remember if you take your child to school, you will also need to pick them up in the afternoon.
Due to the continued bad road conditions and more snow in the forecast, all Mason County Schools are closed tomorrow January 10, 2025. This is a traditional Snow Day. No packets need to be completed.
All Mason County Schools will be operating on an NTI Day Schedule tomorrow January 9, 2025. Students are to do NTI Packet 4 or online work from the school.
All Mason County Schools will be operating on an NTI Day Schedule tomorrow January 8, 2025. Students are to do NTI Packet 3 or online work from the school.
Due to the continued inclement weather and bad road conditions, All Mason County Schools will be closed tomorrow January 7, 2025 . This is a full closure, no one is to report #SnowDay
From Dr. Carlisle:
Tomorrow students and staff are not to report to the building. There are NTI packets from the teachers to do on the school website. If you know of anyone that does not have the ability to connect to the internet, let then know they will be able to get paper copies from their teacher upon return.
All Mason County Schools will be operating tomorrow January 6, 2025 on an NTI Day Schedule. No students or staff are to report. Students are to do NTI Packet 2 or online work from school. Teachers are to be available online or by email.
From Dr. Carlisle:
Exciting announcement for our school and community. While it has unofficially been discussed for a couple months now, I have been given the go ahead and make it official.
The steel structure behind the football field that has sat unfinished for years, will be finished by the end of the summer. Thanks to the County Commission, they have secured the steel workers to put the outside skin on it this spring.
Thanks to the Superintendent and the board, they are going to pay for the infrastructure (restrooms, HVAC, Etc.) to be done this summer. The plan is for that to be another athletic building.
I have also started looking for wrestling mats and talking to people about coaches, that could start a wrestling program next winter at Hannan.
Over the next couple months, be on the look out at other big announcements that will be about major upgrades to our facility. Many things in the works that I will share as soon as it is finalized.
Stay warm and safe everyone!
If you would like your ornament from the community Christmas tree, please get it off the tree within the next couple days as we will be taking the tree down. Thanks!
Arts Alive Poster Contest
The WV Department of Education is sponsoring an Arts Alive Poster Contest 2025.
All submissions must be received by 3:00 p.m. Friday, January 31, 2025.
See link for details.