Gear Up is sponsoring a free parent webinar on Thursday April 3rd from 5 pm - 6 pm
Scan QR code of registration below. Please refer to flyer for more information.

Mrs. Duke will be bringing in FREE prom dresses for our students to choose. She has a wide variety of sizes and over 80 dresses! She will bring the dresses in before Spring Break. Stay tuned and we will announce the date she brings them in.

Be sure stop by the school on April 1st from 3 pm to 6 pm to check out the Job / Info Fair. If you know anyone looking for a job, we have job recruiters; welding, airplane repairs; APG, EMS, manufacturers. Over 20 organizations will be there. One organization pays high school graduates $20.62 - $ 23.02 an hour.! Also, free pantry food will be available to take home or take to a neighbor in need. Hannan is happening so spread the word for this event!

LSIC (Local School Improvement Council) meeting on April 9, 2025 at Hannan Jr/Sr High School at 5:00 p.m. . All LSIC meetings must be open to the public in compliance with the provisions of the Open Governmental Proceedings Act (W. Va. Code §6-9A-2)

Community Baby Shower / New Parent Party for Mason County Families. April 22, 2025 from 5 pm to 7 pm at the Family Support Center 624 Main Street Point Pleasant.

The deadline for Career Academy has been extended. 9th and 10th graders, please return your permission slips and interest survey for the Career Academy by this Friday, March 28th.
One student from our school will walk away with a Nintendo Switch
One student from our school will walk away with a Drone
One student from our school will walk away with a set of Airpods
Just scan the QR code to select 3 career choices you want to explore the most!
Students will have a chance to see a Charleston Police Department cruiser, Boyd CAT "small" piece of machinery; a large equipment simulator, and AEP lineman's truck, just to name a few special items

Check out the flyer for the Pizza with Parents Playgroup on March 26th. The Easter Bunny will be stopping by for pictures and crafts with the little ones. Vaping Education for Parents and 5th -12th Graders provided by Prestera! Located at the Mason County Family Support Center. 5 pm to 7 pm.

After our Green and White Day, the HHS baseball and softball combined teams took on the staff for a softball game. Staff won 12 to 8 and no serious injuries reported! Tune in to see what staff members can move tomorrow, lol!

Hannan students worked hard on creating sidewalk artwork today in preparation for Marshall University President's visit tomorrow! Hannan is excited to welcome Brad Smith and Marshall!!! (unfortunately, it rained later on today, so the artwork didn't last long)

IMPORTANT!!! Hannan High School graduation ceremony is May 31st at 10:00 am. Another website mistakenly lists the start time as 11:00 am but the start time is 10:00 a.m.!
Don't forget to get the seniors pictures into millicent.kimble@k12.wv.us for the senior slide show at the graduation. Time is running out. She needs all pictures by May 1st. We can't wait to see those adorable baby photos!!!

Parental Consents were handed out during PRIDE today for the Career Academy. They are due back by Monday, March 24th as well as the student signing up for 3 career choices, they want to learn most about. Over 60 career choices. One student from our school will walk away with a Nintendo Switch; One student from our school will walk away with a Drone;; One student from our school will walk away with a set of Airpods. There will be a police cruiser; Boyd CAT machinery; large equipment simulator and AEP lineman's truck to name a few special items.

Please see attached for a FREE Virtual Summer Immersion Program for 9th -11th grade girls. Learn how to design creative computer games. Forge your own path in cutting edge tech!!!Application closes April 11th. Round 1: July 7-18th; Round 2: July 28th - August 8th. Classes meet M-F for 2-3 hours, followed by independent work time and optional student hours.

Prestera is planning to hold a Youth Retreat at Camp Appalachia, July 25th - 27th. They would love your input on topics for workshops over that weekend. Scan QR code to take the survey. Or contact Kim - kimberly.shoemake@prestera.org or Josh - stop.joshmurphy@gmails.com with suggestion.

Mason County Family Support Center Upcoming Events. March
19th -Healthy Living. Open to Everyone. 12 pm - 1 pm
19th . Tutoring. 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm
21st - STIGMA Training & Current Drug Training . Open to Everyone. 9 am - 1 pm
26th - Healthy Living. Open to everyone. 12 pm - 1 pm
26th - Tutoring. 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
26th - Career Connections Open House. 2 pm to 4 pm
26th - Pizza with Parents/Playgroup & Parent Education. Vape Education. 5 pm to 7 pm
31st - Grandfamilies Luncheon. 11 am to 1 pm.
2nd - Prevention Day at the Capital
4th - Dad's Night Out. 6 pm to 8 pm
7th - Social Determinates of Health. 5 pm to 7 pm
21st - Spring Break Camps. 11 am to 2 pm. STEM Day; Dance Day; Gamer Day; Health Day; Art Day.
22nd Community Baby Shower / New Parent Party. 5 pm to 7 pm
28th - Grandfamilies Lunch and Learn. 11 am to 1 pm.

Learn more about campus health services and ask questions during this free webinar. Tuesday, March 18th from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm in person at Spring Valley High School or Online via ZOOM. Please see attached for more information.

Put the FUN in Fundraising at Dave and Buster's on April 24th from 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm. 20 % of all food, non alcoholic beverage and game play will go towards: Hannan High School Band. Must present flyer at the time of purchase. See attached flyer

On April 30th we will be taking a field trip to the Chas Coliseum where the GU Career Academy will be held. This is only for 9th and 10th graders. 3 Hannan students will win either air pods; a drone; or a Nintendo Switch Students choose 3 careers they are most interested in and learn all about it. There are over 60 Careers to choose from. The keynote speakers are the BUG CHICKS who will offer fun and an interactive speech. Please see attached flyer to take the interest survey. Possible exhibits: Bobcat; Skid steer and airplane engine.

HHS Varsity Football. Please see attached for Weightlifting Times, Flex Practices, etc.

Save the Date! April 1st. Community Event at Hannan High School. Job / Information Fair will be held. Looking for your dream job? Need help connecting with resources? Look no further! Join us for an afternoon of networking, job opportunities; and career growth as well as mental health/medical/financial resources.

Please see link below for Hannan Baseball apparel
Shop Closes: Mar 20