The Mason County Career Center is hosting a Fall Open House on October 17, 2024, from4:00-7:00 PM. Everyone is welcome. There will games, food, and fun for all ages.
Hello everyone. We want to invite the whole community to a huge event. The first annual Southern Mason County Heritage Day. It will be this Friday, the 18th, from 9 AM - 2:30 PM at Hannan JSHS.
All the students from Ashton and Hannan will be on campus. There will be speakers, live music, petting school, pumpkin drop, things for people of all ages.
The goal of this day is to correct a stronger sense of community, family, and pride in our end of the county. To celebrate in fellowship our big extended family.
We encourage all legal guardians, family members, and community to attend!
Reminder-There is no school for students on Monday October 14th, due to Faculty Senate and Professional Learning Day.
Reminder-Mason County Emergency Management and Mason County LEPC will be conducting a Shelter in Place drill at our schools today 10-11-2024. The drill will start at 9:00 and last approximately 30 minutes. No one will be permitted to enter or leave the schools during this drill.
Good evening, Friday, October the 11th at 9 am, Hannan JSHS will be running a mock shelter in place drill. This is only a drill. Also, that afternoon at 2:40 in the gym there will be a pep rally for the undefeated MS football team.
This is confusion about upcoming days and when school is in session, based on the first board of education calendar that came out. There is school on Friday, Oct. 11. There is no school on Monday, Oct. 14.
Come out for community night at Hannan JSHS on Friday, Oct. 4. Your award-winning high school marching band, under the direction of Lily Lauffer, will be doing a performance of their 2024 production of: Desperados Concession stand will be open from 5:30-6:20 and the band will perform at 6:30 pm.
I ready pre-diagnostic testing for 7th and 8th graders, Wednesday through Friday this week. Please have your paperwork turned in to get your laptop on Tuesday. Laptops must be fully charged for testing.
Announcing sports ticket prices for the fall:
Single game admission-$5
Family of four pass for all fall sports is $100. See Kelli Thomas at the school to purchase a pass.
Senior citizen discount tickets can be purchased at the board office.
We will reevaluate the prices before the winter sports start.
Please come out and support he Cats!
All 7th and 12th graders are required to have up to date immunizations prior to school starting.
7th-T-DAP & MCV4
Any questions contact school nurse Katie Zellmer at 304.743.3212
Hello every!!
Very excited by the turn out tonight for open house. It is going to be a great year. Remember, we want a big turnout for the first day of school. to cheer the kids on! We want as many parents, alumni, community members, etc. to be outside the school to cheer the students on from 7:20-7:45, as they start the "Year of the Cat"
Please be mindful of not blocking the drive for the buses!
Reminder, Open House for all Hannan 7-12 graders, is Monday, August 19, at 6 PM, in the gym!
Big Thank you to 7th graders Tasha Wilson and Henley Taylor for taking pride in their school. These young ladies came in on their own time, to put together the bulletin board for the main hallway. Students taking ownership of their school and being leaders!
BIG SHARE! Congratulations to our wonderful FFA Students and a very successful summer!
What a great showing for these individuals!
Congratulations on being able to compete at the National Level and representing West Virginia and Hannan FFA!On top of our busy week at the Mason County Fair, the results from the National FFA Judging were announced on Friday.
Hannan sent 7 state winning applications to be judged at the National Level. Proficiency and Agriscience applications are ranked either Gold, Silver or Bronze.
The National Chapter Award gets ranked as either being a Three, Two or One Star. Here's how it went for our members!
🥇GOLD🥇Braxton Call Agricultural Mechanics- Design & Fabrication Dakota Saunders Nursery Operations
🥈SILVER🥈Emma Deal Sheep Production
🥉BRONZE🥉Leia Mayes and Yanara Gonzalez Division 6- Animal Systems Emma Deal and Lilly Anne Nance Division 6- Social Systems
PARTICIPANT CJ Akers and Audrey Burris Agriscience Fair Project
Our chapter also received a ⭐️⭐️ star rating on our National Chapter Award application.
Just a reminder, that school starts Wednesday, August 21. Also, there will be an open house Monday, August 19., At 6 PM in the school gymnasium. This is for all grades 7-12. We hope to see everyone there as 2023 2024 is going to be the year of the cat!
There will be an informational meeting for Varsity Cheerleading on Thursday, August the 15th, from 5:30-6 in the cafeteria.
Anyone interested in going to Hawaii with the band in December 2025, there will be an informational in the cafeteria Monday the 12th at 5:30 PM
At the state FFA Convention, Hannan FFA was one of ten FFA chapters in West Virginia to receive the WV State Superior Chapter Award. Hannan was also one of seven chapters from West Virginia whose application will go on to compete for the National Chapter Award. #MasonProud
This is a special opportunity only available to Mason County students that attend Hannan, PPJSHS, or Wahama. Students will experience activities like 3D Design and printing, 2D design and cutting/engraving, trade skill simulations, robotics, drones and more. Each camp lasts 1 week. Wahama students-July 8-12. Hannan students July 15-19, and PPJSHS students July 22-26. Sign up here- Transportation needed? Sign up here too-
🥇1st Place:
Division 4: Food Systems- CJ Akers and Audrey Burris
Division 6: Animal Systems- Leia Mayes
Division 6: Social Systems- Emma Deal and LillyAnne Nance
🥈2nd Place:
Division 3: Social Systems- Olivia Toney
Division 5: Animal Systems- Miranda Smith
Congratulations to our members competing and representing the Hannan FFA so well!
First place projects will move on to be judged at the National level!